Millermatic 211 Welder
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Millermatic 211
I wanted a wire feed welder to use on the MGA restoration. All I had was a Harbor Freight flux core wire feed welder but it is not very useful for delicate work. It also makes a lot of splatter. So, I purchased a Millermatic 211 welder.
I got it from Ed and Dave were both very helpful and got the welder to me in three days. Thanks Ed and Dave.
Since Miller had a rebate program, I also ordered the spool gun for aluminum. However, I have no immediate plans to use it. Maybe some day I will attempt to learn to use it too.
This is the welder and all the supplies I got from Welder Supply.
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I bought a bottle filled with mixed 75% Argon/25% CO2 also known as C25 gas from Sidney Lee welding in Macon. Don knew just what I needed for welding steel and had me on my way quickly.
I had already ordered a welding cart from Harbor Freight and it was on the way at the same time. I modified it to hold the bottle more securely.
I used some pieces of 1-1/2" plywood I had left over from a shooting bench project. It is just some 3/4" plywood glued to make it 1-1/2" thick. I put some wood strips each side of the bottle and made a floor with a 7-1/8" diameter hole to keep the base of the bottle from moving.
Now the bottle is much more secure.
My first attempt to lay a bead was a failure. I was splattering the metal everywhere. So, I took the time to watch some YouTube videos before trying again. I was much more sucessful after seeing what to expect as I welded.
I learned the metal must be much cleaner than I had gotten it. The rust and dirt was causing most of the problem. I am used to stick welding burning the crud out of the way.
Then I cut some pieces of 18 gauge sheet metal and started welding it back together by small spot welds. It took several tries, but I got better at it by practicing.
I will need a lot more practice before I will feel comfortable welding on the car anywhere it can be seen However, the welds above are sound structurally and penetrated well.