A. 1959 MGA Restoration Project Start

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1959 MGA Restoration

Project Start

I purchased a 1959 MGA shortly before retiring for a retirement project. When I bought it, I had also just purchased my first Miata. Then the Miata bug bit and I set aside the MGA and have devoted two years to playing with my Miatas.

The MGA has sat quietly in the back of the garage, waiting on me to get busy on her again. So, now that I have four Miatas in working order, it is time to return to the MGA restoration project. I will still work on a Miata every now and then, but the MGA restoration project will be my first priority.

This is the MGA as it arrived on December 28, 2011.

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It passed the first inspection by my oldest son and my wife. However, my wife did have reservations about the amount of work that will be required.

I borrowed my neighbor's trailer to haul the car. Thanks Scott. It worked so well, I have purchased a car trailer for our needs. Here Justin lets the car off the trailer and into the garage.

I started work on the MGA prior to creating the website Mostly Miata. So I will have to catch up on posting progress already made on the MGA. The reason for choosing Mostly Miata as the website name was because I knew I wanted to document other projects such as the MGA restoration on the website.

My plan is to restore the car to its original condition. That plan could change if there are major issues that I cannot repair.
