ZH. Soft Top Boot Cover Cleaning

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Evolution Orange

2000 Miata LS

Soft Top Boot Cover


I bought a tan soft top boot for the Evolution Orange Miata from an ad on mx5atlanta.com . It came from a member that I purchased the seats from earlier to go into the car. It turns out that I have also purchased wheels from him in the past. Thanks Radu and MX5 Atlanta!

The boot cover was a little dirty, probably since we all tend to store them in the trunk space. So, I used a brush and some Purple Power cleaner to wash it. I was concerned about using the concentrated cleaner on the vinyl, so I tried some on a small spot before washing the whole thing.

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It did remove dirt without any bad effects on the vinyl.

Then I let it drip dry for a while and then turned it over while it sat in the sun and it dried out quickly.

I will be storing it until the car is finished.
